If you are worried
If you're worried about a change in your health or your baby's movements, get advice from a health professional
Don't worry about wasting anyone's time or appearing overanxious – midwives and doctors would much rather check whether everything is okay than miss a problem. The labour ward of every maternity unit has someone available 24/7 to take your call
If you're worried about a change
- Speak to your midwife or doctor
- If you can't get hold of someone, call your nearest maternity unit – if you're at home, the number should be in your maternity notes, otherwise search online
- Don't worry that they might be busy – they will have someone available to take your call 24/7
This film has been produced by a team at Kings College London as part of the Re-Assure project
More information
Online search for NHS services, though this site may take you to a general contact information for a hospital
The charity Tommy's has a campaign called Always Ask, based on the Re-Assure project, which includes a shortened version of the Re‑Assure film