Life during pregnancy

Some of the day-to-day things that are good to know for your pregnancy

As soon as you find out you're pregnant, see your GP - advice on what to do and where to find more information about your care in pregnancy

If you use complementary and alternative medicines or therapies, be aware that not all are considered to be safe in pregnancy; for example, some essential oils are not recommended for use while pregnant Speak with your midwife, GP or obstetrician before you start the use of any complementary and alternative medicine. Click here for more information on complementary and alternative medicine

Flu and whooping cough in pregnancy can have serious consequences for you and your baby. Both the flu and whooping cough jabs are safe in pregnancy. The flu jab significantly cuts the chance you’ll get flu and the whooping cough jab can protect your baby in the first months of their life

Being pregnant with twins or triplets is different from being pregnant with one baby. Although most of the advice for a healthy pregnancy applies, there are some extra things to bear in mind - where to find more information

Hormone changes during pregnancy can increase blood flow to gum tissues, causing sensitivity, bleeding or swollen gums. This is known as pregnancy gingivitis, which has been linked to poor pregnancy outcomes, including pre-term birth and low birth weight babies The best way to keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy is through regular, thorough cleaning and frequent trips to a dentist. Free NHS dental care is available to all pregnant women and up to a year after the birth. If you are already registered with an NHS dentist, make sure you get regular check-ups during pregnancy. If you don't

You should get enough of the vitamins you need from a healthy diet. But some vitamins are particularly important in pregnancy and you are recommended to take these as supplements to make sure that you and your baby get the right levels to stay healthy These vitamin supplements are recommended for pregnancy: Folic acid: helps to reduce the risk of spina bifida, heart or limb defects and some brain tumours in babies Pregnant women are advised to start taking a daily dose of 400 micrograms (µg) of folic acid before getting pregnant and continue taking them until 12 weeks’ gestation. If you did

Pregnancy isn’t the time to try to lose weight, but it isn’t the time to eat more, either - advice on what to do and where to find more information

Deciding where to have your baby is a big decision - your options, and where to find more information