Antenatal appointments
By contacting your GP or maternity service as soon as you’re pregnant and going to all your appointments, you’ll have support and advice throughout your pregnancy and regular checks to see if you and your baby are well
Having regular antenatal appointments is really important in pregnancy. Some of the tests and measurements have to be done at specific times, and your midwife will give you information as your pregnancy progresses. The midwife’s priority is for you and your baby to get the care and attention you need. Your appointments are also a chance to talk about how you feel physically and emotionally and to ask anything, however small, about your pregnancy
One of the most important things your midwife will do in the later months of pregnancy is measure your baby’s growth. Sometimes a baby’s growth starts to slow down or change and this can be a sign that there’s a problem. The main way to pick up on changes in growth is to have your abdomen measured regularly, so don’t miss an appointment. If the midwife is concerned, she will refer you to an NHS-qualified sonographer for scans that will give more detail about your baby’s health and growth
Get the most from your antenatal care by
Contacting your local hospital maternity unit or GP as soon as you know you are pregnant so your first antenatal appointments can be arranged
Taking someone with you to the appointment if you’d like some support
Checking you know how to make appointments and get in touch with a midwife if you need to
Writing down questions to ask beforehand
Checking the procedure for making your next appointment
Don’t forget that you’re entitled to paid time off work to attend appointments
- Always check at the end of your appointment when you are next due to see a midwife or doctor
Fathers don’t have this right, though some employers allow it, but fathers and partners are entitled to take unpaid leave for two antenatal appointments
- If you haven’t heard from a midwife when you were expecting to, call your GP or maternity service to check an appointment hasn’t been missed
The dates and times of your appointments should be written on your pregnancy notes by your midwife – if you miss an appointment or find that you can’t attend, phone to rearrange it
- If you can’t attend the appointment times you are offered because of other commitments, ask about other options for receiving your antenatal care
These short films about the importance of antenatal visits were produced for Our Chance, a campaign by the charities Sands and Best Beginnings to raise awareness of health issues in pregnancy
The NHS provides useful information about all aspects of pregnancy. You can sign up to receive regular updates tailored to your stage of pregnancy
Your antenatal appointments are important. You can find out more about what will happen at them here
Some women need extra help during appointments and pregnancy because of their personal circumstances, for example, alcohol or drug problems, violence at home, young age or because of language or cultural barriers. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has produced guidance on the additional care these women should receive